date: 2024-05-09
categories: design open source
author: Aila Araghi

Job Poster: How to Make a Successful Job Post


Hello everyone! If you plan on publishing a job post on the OpenSource Design website, here are a few steps that can improve your post’s coherence and visibility. An effective job post is not just about listing the requirements; it’s about engaging with the community, being transparent about the role, and inviting potential collaborators to join your OSS journey.

Job Post Template

When creating your job post, please use the following template to ensure all necessary information is included:

  • _id: [Unique Identifier]
  • layout: jobs
  • title: [Brief, Descriptive Job Title]
  • role: [Specific Job Role]
  • organisation: [Your Organization’s Name]
  • github: [Your GitHub Username]
  • contact: [Your Contact Info – Email, GitHub, IRC, etc.]
  • contributing_md: [Optional Link to Contributing Guidelines]
  • contributors_md: [Optional List of Reachable Contributors]
  • org_url: [Your Organization’s Website]
  • tags: [Relevant Tags like ‘interface design’, ‘branding’, ‘logo’]
  • status: [Searching or Hired]
  • compensation: [Compensation Info – Gratis, Paid, etc.]
  • date_posted: [Posting Date in yyyy-mm-dd Format]

Note: Replace the bracketed content with your specific job details.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Greeting the Open Source Design (OSD) Community

Begin your job post with a friendly greeting to acknowledge the OSD community and set a welcoming tone. You can add this welcome message in the ‘Job Description’ section of the Job Posting form.


Hello OSD Friends and Collaborators, We’re thrilled to introduce new opportunities within our community…

Step 2: Contact Information

Immediately after your greeting, provide your contact information so interested candidates know how to reach you. It’s useful to offer more than one method of contacting the OSS project such as multiple email addresses or chat services like a Matrix Channel, Discord Server, or Zulip Chats for example (Not every designer contributor will have access to certain chat services so offering an email is always advised.)


For any questions or to apply, please reach out to us at:

  • Email: []
  • Mobile: [+1234567890] (Optional)
  • GitHub: [github-username]

Step 3: Role Description

Provide a clear and detailed description of the job role, responsibilities, and the impact this role has on your project. You don’t have to be 100% certain of what you need. Adding a job post for ‘I know we need design help but we don’t know where to start - please help!’ is totally fine.

Example #1:

We’re seeking a dedicated UI Designer to revamp our web application’s interface, enhancing usability and aesthetics to serve our users better. You’ll be collaborating with a team committed to open-source values and innovation.

Example #2:

We’re a new and growing OSS project and we’d like to make sure that our UI is great for all our users. We’re not sure if we should start with research or UI designs but we’re interested in having designers contribute and help us understand how to make our OSS project great :)

Step 4: Requirements and Compensation

List the necessary skills, experience, and any other requirements. Be transparent about the compensation or if you want volunteer contributors. Whether you’re offering financial compensation or not, do mention the other benefits of being involved in your OSS project. For example many designers want to contribute voluntarily to OSS projects in order to gain more experience working with teams of developers for building their own careers. If true, you can mention that designers will get to work with developers or they may get to define their own project structure - any benefits you believe are in your OSS project - a designer would love to know!

Example #1:

Required Skills: - Proficiency in design software (e.g., Penpot, Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma) - Understanding of user-centered design principles - Experience with collaborative design practices Compensation: - $50/hour or commensurate with experience - Flexible hours with remote work options

Example #2:

Required Skills: - Understanding of terminal commands and installation packaging (or willingness to learn!) - Has done User Testing on developer tools before - Experience with collaborative design practices Compensation: - $0 but we offer experience with a complex developer UI - Flexible hours with remote work options - we’ll send you stickers and OSS T-shirt.

Step 5: How to Apply

Detail the application process or the preferred contribution process. Include any forms, documents, or portfolio submissions that applicants should prepare as well as any essential documentation reading or onboarding/community calls

Example #1:

To apply, please submit:

  • Your updated resume or CV
  • A portfolio of relevant design work
  • A brief cover letter explaining why you’re a great fit for this role

Example #2:

To become a contributor, please review our README documentation and our Licence:

  • please introduce yourself in our community chat/forums
  • when you’re ready add your design recommendations and enhancements/improvements as their own issues in our repository with appropriate labels (or create labels that help describe your issue/s) If you need help creating your first issue then you can reach out to the maintainers at [contact information]

Step 6: Closing Statement

Conclude your job post on a high note, reinforcing your enthusiasm for the new potential collaboration and inviting designers to apply. Designers are a new and growing role in OSS and often feel excluded or unwelcome in OSS spaces, the more you can do to help designers feel valued as contributors the more positive your interactions will be.

Example Closing:

We’re excited to see your applications/contributions and look forward to the possibility of you joining our mission in pushing open-source and design forward. Let’s innovate together!

Thank You For Reading!

~ Open Source Design Team