Tab Wrangler
logo, branding, chrome, firefox
Logo design & branding
  • Update the screenshots in the Chrome Webstore:
  • Update the description in the Chrome Webstore to more accurately describe the extension
  • Create a new icon (including a hi-res one) for use both in the Webstore and in Chrome itself
  • Create promotional images for use in the Chrome Webstore (small, large, and marquee)
  • Ross (lead developer)

  • Source code: Task for tracking the redesign: Firefox version:

Tab Wrangler is a browser extension that automatically closes tabs you haven’t used in a while so you can focus on the ones that matter.

Tab Wrangler needs better branding. It has happy and engaged users, but the logo and messaging doesn’t build confidence in the professionalism of the extension. New branding would make the extension more visible in the Firefox and Chrome stores.

The extension is entirely open source, and the developers do not make any money from it (there’s no advertising, no tracking, no user data stored at all).