XiaoMi-Pro-2018-HackintoshOC - SD Card reader modification
icon,logo.icons, macos, mac, logos,
Icon design, Logo design

Set of four icons of an SD-Card based on the two icons in description/github issue in SVG and if possible already converted to base64 for the light desktop theme of mac and for the dark theme.

  • Manuel - manuelsoukup@gmail.com

  • Github Issue with more detail: https://github.com/ManuGithubSteam/XiaoMi-Pro-2018-HackintoshOC/issues/1

So here is what i would need. I need an Icon in SVG for an SD Card in the menubar of macos. It should look similar to the Battery icon of macos. So if the SD-Card is in the Laptop: The SD-Card Icon would be full like the full battery indicator. If the SD-Card is missing it would be just the outline of the SD-Card, like an empy battery. The outline should clearly make it visible as sd-card. I have two design choices in mind. I would also need this for the dark and the light theme. Please see the Github Issue for more details: