General design & brand guidance
Facilitation and guidance on making a Style Guide (or whatever it should be called) that we can keep referring to and updating as we bring new projects online. It would include things like:
- logo (the curve design is fixed but we’re still discussing the implementation of colors/background etc)
- color scheme (the red of the logo is one color)
- fonts (we have Open Sans for all headers, and Lato for all body texts
- usability guidance
- Examples for website/SoMe/forum/wiki/print/video/newsletter
See above is all about “Creating a built environment with free software, increased transparency, and a more ethical approach. OSArch is for the architects, engineers, designers, builders, planners, operators, and you. Let’s change the industry together.”
So there are a ton of projects we are involved in which all need UX love. This job is about OSArch as an organization getting our own brand together.
Quite a few of us have design educations, there is a bunch of architects & different types of engineers all with a decidedly tech angle.
Here’s how far we are now: is looking presentable is okay but suffers from a lack of design cohesion is also okay but also doesn’t connect very well with any specific style. is kind of doing it’s own thing. Again, without a Style Guide it’s hard to know where to start.
We’ve done some work on an OSArch logo on got a good result if you ask me. Variants of the logo are on the intro page.
Now we need to take this logo, be more specific about its use, and find out what it means for our general style.
We’ve had some general discussion before about the look and feel of our website which led to some good things. Focus then moved to the logo.
This is a not a weekend project, we’re looking for someone, or a small group of people, to help us collect our ideas and make a concrete proposal. We have opinions about design, some of us spent years in design educations, but hopefully we also have also enough humility to be guided. Like I said this is not a weekend project, it’s gonna be a process and there’s no massive hurry.
About the money - we don’t have any. But if you have an account on LiberaPay / Patreon or whatever we can work together to get some sponsorship. We support design as a paid profession, but we’re not a legal organization yet, so we can’t pay bills.