New design of landing page, logo and app for open-source project
Logo and new design for landing page and the app itself.
Ivan (developer)
Collabfinder is an open-source platform for finding collaborators for your projects (apps, libraries, UI toolkits, whatever you want to work on actually). would like to have a complete redesign of everything as the current look is based on the boilerplate project. I’m open to changing everything - logo, landing page, name, app, typography etc. I didn’t market the app properly yet (shared it only in a few places) as there are still some useful features to be added; it only has ~40 registered users right now so it’s can’t be used just yet (therefore I’m posting my help request here as well).
The app is and always will be completely free and fully open-source. The idea for this is to be a simple community project. Therefore if someone is willing to contribute the new design you would only get the full credit on the project readme and app credits page (TBD).