illustration, citizen science, web platform
Logo, desing and illustration

5 illustrations for web use, including:

  • two front page graphics: main illustrations conveying the aim of the platform and related to sensory processing in day to day life
  • Logo for the project: simple logo as we currently just use text
  • Visual explainer or diagrams on: “how to use the platform” and of what happens to participants data

  • project code repository (includes some example images):

About AutSPACEs

We are co-designing a citizen science platform with a community of autistic people. The platform will be used to gather qualitiative data about how autistic people are influence by sensory processing differences in their daily lives, with the end goal of collecting data which will inform positive changes to environments so they are more accesible and better suited to autistic people. Participatory research is core to the AutSPACEs approach, and people with lived experience of autism have been involved at every stage of the project in order to ensure that we create a citizen science platform which meets the needs and priorities of those for whom there is most at stake.

Graphic Designer/Illustrator

In response to community feedback and to improve both accessibility and experience, the project seeks to commission a series of illustrations. The illustrations should help convey the purpose of the project and platform, make its main functionalities clear and provide a welcoming feeling. These images must be clear and appeal to a diverse range of autistic people. It is important to consider accessibility requirements, and to harmonise with the existing design system.

The images will also be used in presentations about AutSPACEs, as well as in other communications, such as newsletters and Twitter posts. The candidate will deliver 5 designs and work closely with the AutSPACEs team to make sure their designs are integrated into the platform.

We are UK based and looking for an established freelancer who is already able to produce invoices (it is not a requirement to be UK based, but to be able to send invoices to UK based organisations).

If you’d like to apply please share: • A CV or your preferred way of demonstrating your experience • A short position statement, including an explanation of your interest in working with AutSPACEs. • 4-5 examples of your design work or a link to where we can look at your work.