Web design, Interaction design, Accessibility testing

Depending on the available time:

  • Navigation concept (textual concept or code)
  • Review of new table component/behaviour (textual)
  • Feedback on overall design (textual)
  • Creation of design guideline document or storybook (textual or storybook)
  • Accessibility test report, recommendations and maybe selection of benchmark that could be followed
  • Matthias (memeber of core team)


InvenTree is an open-source PLM (parts libary managment) with a backend API server, a frontend based on Bootstrap/jquery /JS-based frontend and several apps. We are rewriting the frontend based on React and want to take this opportunity to create a more user-friendly, intuitive and accessible experience for everyone.

Major pain points are:

  • Navigation between pages
  • Information-dense but readable tables
  • Introducing users to functions, communicating restrictions and possible actions

The credentials for the demo can be found here:, the current state of the new UI is accessible here

A designer already did some groundwork and we have some great mockups (figma) available, he had to reallocate his free time. We have coders on the team so getting designs/behaviours built once they are conceptualised should not be a problem - you do not need to know how to code.